Re: [gtkmm] Make fails with missing target

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 12:43, Leslie Polzer wrote:
> (Sorry Murray, I messed up the maildest again, this time to the list instead of
> your mail address)
> On 30 Oct 2002 11:54:44 +0100
> murrayc t-online de (Murray Cumming) wrote:
> > You probably need to install pkg-config. You would need this for
> > tarballs too. I suggest that you try tarballs before cvs.
> I got pkg-config 0.11.0 - maybe I should update.

Probably. But you might also need to configure your prefix properly -
see the gtkmm README, or use vicious-build-scripts or jhbuild or
garnome. You should have the same problem when building GTK+ from

> > It's only necessary for building from CVS. It's used to reuse the C
> > documentation, though that's turned-off by default.
> I know of --enable-full-docs, but did not enable it
> - I just did a plain ./configure without switches.

Yes, that's what I meant. It would be nice to remove the dependency when
not using --enable-fulldocs.

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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