Re: Embed movie player using mplayer - How to get the wid on Windows?

Paulo Flabiano Smorigo wrote:
Hi Hubert,

I withdrew the unwrap function from the code and the line now is:

*p_windowID = GDK_WINDOW_HWND(get_window());

I saw in this form looking into a code found on the internet.

Now the error is:
gui/VideoGui.cpp:32: error: cannot convert `Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>' to `GdkDrawable*' for argument `1' to `void* gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle(GdkDrawable*)'

I tried to cast but the error continues...


you seem to have missed the part where he told you to use gobj(). e.g. get_window()->gobj()


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