Re: libgnomedbmm for Fedora

On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 00:45 -0400, José Alburquerque wrote:
> I did this so that it doesn't remain open.  The new module is in git,
> but not yet in jhbuild.  Murray is the maintainer and if anyone wants to
> continue it they're free to do so with his permission.  Sorry for the
> delay and indecision.  I'll make sure not to offer what I can't in the
> future.

Many thank, José. Well done.

Now I hope that some other people can pick that up and finish it off.

Hopefully many of the widgets in libgda-ui are similar to widgets in the
old libgnomdb, so maybe the old libgnomedbmm module will be useful when
filling in libgda-uimm.

We even had some tutorial-style documentation for libgnomedbmm, in the
libgnomedbmm module. I hope that one day we can port that to

murrayc murrayc com

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