Re: Question regarding installing GConf keys

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Bruce van der Kooij
<brucevdkooij gmail com> wrote:
> Doing a make install didn't seem to do anything. Is that normal?

no idea

> On a unrelated note I also don't understand why it's displaying all the
> WARNING: multiple <locale> nodes for locale warnings since all the locale
> tags are unique inside each schema.

no idea

> By the way it would be totally awesome if instead of hardcoding everything
> and writing accesor/mutator methods in it would instead
> just automatically do this by looking at everything
> below/apps/hamster-applet/general and loading it automatically. This would
> also eliminate the duplication of the default values, since these are also
> defined in the schema.


> Maybe there's already something out there that can be used.
maybe there is, go find it.

> If anybody has any hints regarding developing for Hamster please don't hold
> back :-)

use bugzilla, send patches.

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