Re: [jokosher-devel] Ubuntu packager required

Hey Stuart,

On Di, 2006-08-08 at 12:46 +0100, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> Daniel: is "backporting" the edgy gst packages to dapper likely to be
> anything more complicated than "apt-get -b source gstreamer" (and all
> related gst packages)?

if you're lucky, it's just that. In some cases you might need newer
build-dependencies, also you will need to check if other packages need
to be rebuilt, etc.

Another problem with backports is that users 
      * sometimes run into upgrade problems or 
      * report bugs where it takes the developer or member of the
        BugSquad ages to figure out how a stable totem could break (and
        didn't know it was an unofficial gstreamer package)

Call me biased, but that's what I've been observing in my time as an
Ubuntu developer.

If somebody wants to maintain backports, I'm happy if it makes people
happy and I certainly won't stop anybody.

Have a nice day,

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