Re: [jokosher-devel] Problems with sound sinks

On 11/26/06, Greg Lowe <greg vis net nz> wrote:
Hey all,

I've had problems when switching from Jokosher to Totem to play an Ogg.

Totem appears to be playing normally but does not produce any sound.
If I close Jokosher then you can hear totem.

I've also had a problem when trying to playback sound within jokosher
after switch from another app (I think it was xmms). I get a dialog
with the following text:

      Argh! Something went wrong and a serious error occurred:

      Resource busy or not available.

      gstalsasink.c(636): gst_alsasink_open (): /timeline/playbackbin/
      Device 'hw:0' is busy

After closing and reopening Jokosher, i got the same error again.
After logging out of gnome and logging in again - I still got the same
error message.

I had to restart!

Is there some way to reset alsa or the device driver - with out having
to restart?

Yeah this is obvously a problem with apps hogging the device. I would
assume this is a bug in either ALSA or GStreamer's ALSA sinks, or
maybe in dmix if you are running it.

Is this filed as a bug?


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