Website Proposal

Hi everybody,

Sunday i had a little Email Dialog with Ulrik about how since this Project has spawned more attention lately and the Project Pages could use a more appealing look and feel as well as a more consistent way of organizing the Wiki for Plugins, FAQ, How-Tos and whatnot. We just really tipped at the topic really quick but i told him i could propose a little Mockup for the Website we maybe could use as a good starting point.

So the first target would be to give only the Index a more consistent look and help people find their way around the Site and step by step incorporate the Subpages.

Well, heres the Mockup i came up, hope you enjoy, please note there are some elements missing, its just to give you a slight idea of how it COULD look like. Enjoy and give lots of feedback.

Oh crap, i didnt know about the 40 KB Limit in the Mailing List, you can find the Mockup here:

Best Regards, Joern�

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