Re: [LaTeXila] New logo idea

I agree with Mike, the logo is an important part of the way people "see" the software. When you look in the software center and you see the current logo, it doesn't look professional, which is sad because LaTeXila is a great software, probably ma favourite LaTeX editor. With the implementation of spell checking (that I'm trying on 2.3.1), it will probably reach TexMaker's quality in my opinion. The logo has to follow! I've replaced the current logo with a homemade logo (Faenza inspired), which looks good on Gnome 3 but probably not on Gnome 2.

2012/3/4 Mike Gray <i use linux2 gmail com>
I'll try adding a glass as a part of the branding/logo and see how it looks.

The reason I made the logo so serious looking was because I figured
that was the kind of people that would use it. Rather than looking for
something fun, a professional would be attracted toward something more
modern. I'll admit, even I was discouraged from installing the program
when I saw the logo.

If this logo isn't what you were looking for, I'm perfectly happy
scrapping it and starting over ;) I just want to help out in a way
that I can, since I can't do much coding at the moment.


On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Sébastien Wilmet
<sebastien wilmet gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 08:14:17PM -0600, Mike Gray wrote:
>> I saw what was said about improving the logo on the website and I put
>> this together. If you are interested I can post the svg source, and
>> create some variations for different uses.
> The logo looks more professional. I prefer the current logo, which is
> more funny, with the glass of tequila. You could maybe add the glass to
> your logo, to see the result (the SVG of the current logo is available
> in data/images/app/logo.svg).
> The problem of the current logo is that it's not easy to create a good
> small icon (the plant have too many leaves).
> For the icon (small or big format), the leaf is great. But it would be
> nice to see visually that the purpose of the software is to write
> documents. So a sheet of paper with some lines of text or something like
> that would be nice.
> Best regards,
> Sébastien
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