Re: GtkChamplain API broke somewhere from 0.6->0.8

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Robert Park <rbpark exolucere ca> wrote:
> Hi hackers!
> In case you don't remember me, (as far as I'm aware) I'm the only
> developer using libchamplain in a Python application via the
> introspection bindings rather than static bindings.
> Up until now, I've been developing against stock Fedora 14 packages,
> which used libchamplain 0.6, and I haven't had too many problems. The
> app runs, it has a few crashing bugs, but it can be described as
> usable.
> A few weeks ago, I had my first bug report from a user of my app. He
> was running Arch linux, which (at least at the time of his bug report)
> was using libchamplain 0.8. He told me he was getting this error when
> he ran my program:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./", line 1835, in <module>
>    if __name__ == "__main__": GottenGeography().main()
>  File "./", line 717, in __init__
>    self.map_view = self.champlain.get_view()
> AttributeError: 'Embed' object has no attribute 'get_view'

OK, seems that the reason for this is that the get_view method is
marked with "introspection=0" in the gir file and as such isn't
exported in the introspection stuff. Now we just have to figure out
how to export it properly ;)

Łukasz [DeeJay1] Jernaś

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