Re: Clutter critical issue when windows is closed.

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 5:23 PM Román <rgmf riseup net> wrote:

Hi again,

the code is in GitHub. Here is exactly where map is created:

Thank you very much for your time ;)

Well, I was hoping for some self-contained simple-to-reproduce example. I tried grabbing your class and added some basic window creation stuff here 

but I don't see the error you are mentioning. If you are able to reproduce the issue by modifying the code above, please post it and we can investigate further.

Apart from this, I would suspect some reference cycle (object A holds reference to object B and object B holds reference to object A - possibly with several objects in between) and that during the app termination this reference cannot be broken and some objects cannot be deinitialized properly.

Best regards,


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