Re: [sigc] is possible make the emission of a signal private for a particular class?

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 7:52 PM, VinIPSmaker <vini ipsmaker gmail com> wrote:
Hi guys, I was used to Qt, and I found libsigc++. Now I like much the flexibility of libsigc++, and I wanna know how can I make a behavior that is default and inflexible on Qt framework:

On Qt, if I have a class that emit signals, only the objects of this class can emit them, and anyone piece of code can only use the connect method of signals. How can I make this using libsigc++?

your question seems quite confused. but to take a guess: if the signal is declared with public visibility then anyone can emit the signal:

  class Foobar {
           sigc::signal0<void> mySignal;

  Foobar foobar;
  foobar.mySignal(); // emit signal
  foobar.mySignal.emit() // if you prefer a more explicit syntax

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