Re: New lib soup API

On 07/26/2011 06:10 AM, Monil Parmar wrote:
> Hi,
> Previously some one ask...
>> Hi,
>> I tried to use a non-default GMainContext as "async-context" of
>> SoupSession. But the result is not the same as it's in case of using
>> default GMainContext.
> And reply from community was
>>>It works if you're using the old SoupMessage/SoupSession APIs. There
>>>must be a bug somewhere in the SoupRequester APIs. Please file a bug on
>>> <>.
> Is there any plan, that non-default GMainContext as "async-context" of
> SoupSession will work?

There is a "plan" in the sense of "it's supposed to work, and almost
certainly will work correctly at some point", but not in the sense of
"someone is actively working on this and there's a date we expect it to
be fixed by".

(The original poster did file this in bugzilla, btw. It's

-- Dan

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