[libxml++] solaris 9 sparc problems


I'm trying to use libxml++ in one project but I'm having some problems.
Our environment is sparc/Solaris 9. Is libxml++ known to work in this

We use gcc2.95.3 and the library compiles and installs OK.
but some of the example programs segfault and others work (using the
same versions in Linux seems to work ok and libxml2 and libxslt work ok
in our solaris box)

We are very interested in using libxml++ (we would like to help to find
and resolve any bugs in libxml++) but I'm relatively new to c++
programming so I'm sorry if I'm doing something wrong. 

---> dom_build
40          xmlpp::Element* nodeRoot =
document.create_root_node("exampleroot", "http://foo";, "foo");
//Declares the namespace and uses its prefix for this node
(gdb) n
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xff378f18 in xmlpp::Node::cobj (this=0x0) at node.cc:131
---> dom_parse_entities
54          xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = node->get_children();
(gdb) n
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
xmlpp::Node::get_children (this=0x0, name= 0xffbff5d0) at node.cc:28
28         xmlNode* child = impl_->children;
---> dom_parser
115       return impl_->name ? (const char*)impl_->name : "";
(gdb) n
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
The program no longer exists.

kike fernandez <sisfetek si ehu es>

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