Re: [libxml++] delete access violation

Yes, I'm under windows with VS2005. After trying in debug with break point, the error appear just after return of destructor so I think it's on the delete of the document itself. But I have the same problem for parsers.

Strange behaviour:
If I use my method to create Document in the dll, I can use my method to delete it in the dll.
If I use my method to create Document in the dll, I can delete it in the exe.
If I use the new in the exe, I can't use the delete in the exe.
If I use the new in the exe, I can't use my method to delete it in the dll.

2007/6/22, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>:
On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 14:09 +0200, MARZULLO Laurent Ext DF/DCGC wrote:
> Are you under windows ?
> Normally, on unix, it does not cause problem to have a new/delete in
> any combination of exe/dll.

On Windows, with MSVC++, you must delete memory in the same library that
instantiated it. It's incredibly annoying.

I guess you need to find out exactly what delete is failing. It's
probably something inside the Document instance, not the Document
instance itself.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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