Re: Mem Leak getting then removing an attribute

On 2020-05-05 08:02, Tom N wrote:
I ran valgrind on my project which is using libxml++ 2.40 (though I see very similar code in 2.91) and it's reporting a 
"definite" mem leak in libxml++.  I've narrowed the problem to a small standalone app (below and attached).  
Looks like the leak occurs when an attribute is removed after it's obtained.  If either of these is not done (ie. 
attribute not obtained or not removed) then no reported leak.

Fixed in libxml++ 3.0.1. See

This bug has also been fixed in the libxml++-2-40 and libxml++-2-42 branches in the git repository, but no libxml++ 2.40 or 2.42 release has been made that contains that fix. libxml++-2 is an old version of libxml++. The latest release is 2.40.1 from October 2015. I doubt that there will be more releases of libxml++-2. I recommend that you use libxml++-3.

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