Re: Holidays in different countries

I really like the idea but it seems like a huge task, at least if you
really want to have all of the countries and regions' holidays.
Gathering all this information would require a lot of dedicated
people, with proper knowledge of each country and region.
It will be hard to keep up with every year's calendar, especially
since some countries keep changing government, constitution or

But I don't think it needs to be complete to work. If the data is
available for one country, the library should use it, if not then
maybe someone will contribute some data.

A quick search on some search engine returns Earth Calendar (  ) as a hit. It looks pretty complete,
unfortunately I have no idea if the data is correct, and it seems
those days aren't official state holidays all the time (i.e. legal or
public holiday).

Another good place to look at is of course Wikipedia ( ), it seems
pretty complete too, but once again it doesn't give you the pattern
right away.

I hope this can help you have a better idea of the size of the task.
Cool idea though.
I wonder if the UN has something like that available.


On 10/10/05, Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh farsiweb info> wrote:
> I am trying to write some code to automatically create a list of
> official/public Iranian holidays, and I was wondering if that could be
> extended for other countries/locales, something that may become useful
> in GNOME or other free desktops.
> What I have came to, is that holidays are usually either a fixed date in
> a calendar (Shawwal 1 in every Islamic year is a holiday in many Muslim
> countries, Eid ul-Fitr), or use simple combinations of weekdays and
> calendars (fourth Thursday in November is a holiday in the United
> States, Thanksgiving). There are also weekly holidays (every Sunday in
> most countries of the world).
> I also know that holidays may vary in different parts of a certain
> country/territory. Different states in the US have different holidays,
> for example.
> But I am mostly ignorant of the whole picture. So, I am asking about
> feedback.
> I would appreciate it if you could please tell me about the pattern
> holidays follow in your country. Please email me privately. I will try
> to round up the information and post it to the pages for the giulia
> (a.k.a. gnome locale) project.
> roozbeh
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Denis Moyogo Jacquerye ---

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