Tiles and Mapbox

Hi all!

Me and Jonas just had a very good and positive phone meeting with Alex
and Sajjad of Mapbox.

Afterwards we decided that we would go with them, at the very least for
the interim period. Personally I think we should start thinking about
the future as soon as we're up and running with Mapbox and have some
solid usage statistics.
Personally I'm interested in exploring how we could continue with
Mapbox in even in the future. It might mean crowdfunding in some way.
But that's for later discussions (maybe during GUADEC?).

Anyways, I'm going to set up a tracker bug in bugzilla for everything
that needs doing code wise either tonight or tomorrow.

Something we need to think about now is also communication. We want to
spread the word that we're working on a solution. Maybe we want to wait
until stuff is in place though? Not sure.

I'll start by talking with Allan (from both the Engagement team and the
Board) about this right away.

Which reminds me I also need to reach out to everyone who kindly
offered their support during this period. Will do that shortly.


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