Re: Poster templates (request for comments)

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:57:32 +0100
David Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:

> Many posters and ads have a bigger headline to catch the eye, and 
> then some text with details for people who take the time to read. 

Yes, and nobody reads these texts. Advertising agencies make texts to
satiesfy their clients. That's because managers and technicans often
think, one needs to have texts wth a detailed explanations how good the
product is.

People really going near a poster in a conference booth for about 5 or
10 seconds are usually those who like to know what these funny marketing
people have written. And they usually sent mails to point out feature X
or Y wasn't mentioned. ;)

However, people as these usually use GNOME or any other Linux desktop,

Consider it as a usability thing: Don't concentrate on use cases for
special interest groups. ;)

However, you asked for comments.



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