Re: The "What is GNOME?" Answer

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 20:59 +0100, Claus Schwarm wrote:

> "GNOME - computing made easy"

This smacks of "marketing as lies" to me.  It exemplifies the reason why
people hate marketers: they say things that are either (a) not true; or
(b) essentially meaningless. 

Sure, GNOME makes computing easy in some sense, but no more so than
Windows or Mac OS (or others).

The essence of marketing is the USP ("unique selling point").  What
makes GNOME different from whatever the person to whom the statement is
targeted at is currently using?  What makes GNOME unique?  What makes is

I take it my previous stab at this went down lick a cup of cold vomit.
Here's another go:

"GNOME makes using GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems easier"

If you want something snappy and memorable, I suggest something like the
slogan currently used by others (I forget who)

"GNOME: the choice of the GNU Generation"

But, again, we are going about this in the _wrong way_ again.  We need
the top management (Foundation board I suppose) to define what the
message they want to send is; and then the creative types can think of
ways to make it memorable and evocative.

If the above two suggestions suck, we all need to know why, so we can
get an idea of what is wanted by the people who will make the decision.

I hope this helps.  It was not meant to be a rant.



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