Re: a mascot maybe'd help

<quote who="Thilo Pfennig">

> GNOME has to choose a direction. If it wants to be a product, it should
> make its own distribution - or if it just wants to support, it does not
> need a user recognizable Logo and stuff like this.

We do not need to choose between these two extremes. Neither of them are as
useful to GNOME as our current position: We're a desktop technology engine
for our distributors, we have a strong focus on that task, we don't have to
concentrate on the enormous amount of other issues distributors need to deal
with. We don't quite have the brand awareness with developers and real end
users that we'd like - we can fix that.

But we don't need to go to extremes. :-)

- Jeff

OSCON 2005: August 1st-5th
   "People keep asking me why we aren't married, and he says, 'Every time
   I am about to ask you, you do something annoying'." - Kate Beckinsale

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