Re: Proposal for GNOME press release about Nokia device

On Thu, 26 May 2005 13:57:31 +0200
Dave Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> The news is "Nokia shows how brilliant GNOME is" - in one foul swoop 
> this news pushes GNOME (like it or not) into the mobile device market.

The other way around makes it news: 
  GNOME (?: enters) mobile devise market with Nokia -> additional
details -> Quotes of people involved -> XZY says: "This is an additonal
(?: prove) that GNOME's (?: strategy) of providing <whatever> enables
<whoever> to <whatever>."

Of course, this is just an example: I have no knowledge about mobile
devises, and haven't look into yesterday's footnotes annoucements

And btw, if I wouldn't like GNOME, I'd certainly spend my time

> It plays directly to one of the markets we talked about before, ISVs. 
> GNOME and GTK+ now appear to be in the process of becoming the de
> facto  choice for ISVs on Linux (Firefox, OOo, Eclipse, and now
> Nokia).
> It is also a massive vote of confidence for the usability work which
> has  been done at the toolkit level in GNOME, making the writing of
> usable  applications easy.
> This is a huge reinforcement of the direction which GNOME has taken 
> since before the 2.0 release, and we should release something saying 
> "Ain't we great".

I wouldn't recommend it. Journalists get "Ain't we great?" stuff all the
time from bad PR consultants. If we don't play the game according to its
rules, we'll just get a bad reputation and less press coverage.

Think of a press release as a text that could be printed 1:1 in a
newspaper. I can't imaging the above text in my newspaper. Can you?

The impression "Ain't we great" is build by _regular_ press releases
about wins, successes, etc.


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