Re: 2.16 splash screen and logos

Re :o)

On Sat, 2006-09-16 at 09:20 +0100, Alex Hudson wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-09-15 at 22:06 +0200, karderio wrote:
> > The splash seems to use a distorted foot, when compared to the foot on
> > the top left of the site. This is to be avoided, according to the logo
> > guidelines[1], which seems very understandable.
> I don't think the foot itself is distorted, if you're talking about
> aspect ratio. One is only a couple of pixels bigger than the other each
> way.
> Or are you talking about some other aspect?

Sorry, you are right, the logo is not distorted. Seems to be an illusion
created by putting the text at the side rather than underneath, It
seemed so obvious that I didn't check by putting them one above the

> > That said, there appears to be a new logo on the guidelines page, which
> > seems to be the one on the splash. Has GNOME got a new logo ? Is this
> > logo in different proportions to the old one ?
> It's simply a different font, as I understand it, and the one on the
> splash seems to be the old font laid out side-by-side as in the new one.
> It's a shame the new font wasn't used.

Yes, it would seem that the logo on the splash screen changes the text
position (which I believe was previously not recommended), but keeps the
old font.

If a new GNOME logo is adopted, should it not be consecrated by the
foundation and properly announced ?

Further comments concerning the logo :

* Is it a good idea to allow text both underneath and besides the foot
in the logo, as appears to currently be the case ? Apart from possible
issues with easy recognition etc., the foot seems to appear wider when
the text is next to the it.

* If people start using "unofficial logos", I'd be worried that we might
get several different logos hanging about here and there. In fact, I
think this is actually "frowned upon" by the foundation - that said,
M��Duffy, who appears to be the author of the new logo, may be
acting with the foundations consent.

If there are other discussions about this logo I would be happy to be
pointed to them :) Sorry if I've missed them, there are so many lists,
and I'm still not accustomed even to all the "main" ones.

Love, Karderio.

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