Re: Starting Chicago Gnome User Group


For those who are impatient, the following concrete tasks are up for grabs:
* Consolidate all the GNOME events pages in the wiki and leave stubs
pointing to the consolidated page
* Add events to the GNOME Calendar (contact Dave for permissions)
* Consolidate & clean up GnomeEvents/ConferenceAndShowHowTo and
* Bookmark GNOME event reports, write-ups, news items with the gnome tag
in (need coherent tagging to make it useful to identify a
given event, or a group of related events)

Patrick Wagstrom wrote:
> Realizing that most people are like me and won't search the mailing list 
> for a list of conferences, I started a wiki page for conferences and for 
> people to sign up to organize a GNOME booth at said conferences.  It's 
> sparse right now, but it still is there.

Also, one other piece of relevant information: the UserGroups page
already has a list of events:

and also a calendar for annual events with the rough time of year:

There are also two other pages listing events (some of which have
happened, some of which are to come, or have never been organised):

There's the makings of a cheat sheet:

And a check-list for events:

All of these lists should be consolidated into one or two places - an
agenda of upcoming events can come from Google Calendar, the wiki page
can have a list of annual events & their approximate dates (to prepare
stands, get space, have speakers, etc), and give information about GNOME
presence in particular events.

The check-list and the cheat sheet should be merged into one page and
cleaned up a little.

We also need a place to gather reports on past events - I've been using
blog entries and but there might be a better way. Here's my
list of GNOME links, built up over the last year or two:

Unfortunately, I've been inconsistent in my use of tags, so a lot of
those are news items, some are for events, some are blog entries, ...


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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