Re: Removing 10x10

<quote who="Dave Neary">

> I'd like to archive in the wiki, since it's
> clear that we are not going to get there, keeping the goal up on the front
> page seems like it will be more of a liability & object of ridicule than a
> motivator over the next year & a half.
> I thought it best to bring this up here first, to get opinions & feedback.
> Particularly since I'm not proposing to replace it with anything else.

I think it was kind of odd that it transitioned from a motivational idea to
a "goal" on the wiki (without a lot of planning, discussion and adoption in
the greater comunity), but I don't think it should be removed. It is still a
relevant benchmark (despite the word "desktops") for the GNOME ecosystem at
large. Just this week it was discussed in relation to some of the things the
Board is doing at the moment.

It might make sense to clarify the language, but it's not like any of it can
be "unsaid". Taking it down would contribute to the potential ridicule.

- Jeff

OSCON 2008: Portland OR, USA 
             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.

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