Re: [Fwd: SCALE Calls For Non-Profit Exhibitors]

(top posting to keep some sanity)

Yeah I'm interested in taking point on the gnome booth again this
year. Hopefully
this time we can track down the official gnome event box and not have to
ninja-launch our own. Chris was a lifesaver with his sweet computer setup
and kinkos saved the day:

The gnome booth being next to the foresight booth last year worked really well.

Dave, could you introduce me to Eitan? We didn't get a chance to meet him
that I recall.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Gareth J. Greenaway
<gareth socallinuxexpo org> wrote:
> Dave,
> Thats a really good idea!  We're exploring that option with a few other
> related projects as well.  I could see us having a 2-3 booth setup as a
> GNOME Zone with some other GNOME related projects.  At this point we've
> contacted Foresight, Inkscape and GIMP, Inkscape will mostly likely be
> there again and GIMP is currently considering it.  Foresight has
> committed to being at SCALE again as well.
> The guys that we had at the show last year running the GNOME booth have
> expressed interest in doing that again, I am including them on this email.
> Once again, I think a GNOME Zone is a great idea!  Please let me know
> what I can do on our end to make it happen.
> Thanks!
> Gareth
> Dave Neary wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just got contacted by SCALE about having a booth this year - is anyone
>> interested in taking the organisation of this on? Eitan, are you
>> planning on SCALing again this year?
>> I had a gem of an idea a while back - rather than take one GNOME stand,
>> it might be easier & better to ask for a GNOME Zone, with a bigger stand
>> shared among a bunch of different projects - we could invite the
>> Inkscape guys (who always have a stand in SCALE), perhaps Akkana Peck to
>> have a GIMP presence, and other GNOME-related projects like those, to
>> create a wider-ranging and more appealing & lively stand than just "GNOME".
>> Looking at last year's exhibitors, at least OLPC and Inkscape might ave
>> been interested in co-organising stand space... add a couple more
>> projects in there and we start to have an attractive space.
>> Thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>> Dave.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> SCALE Calls For Non-Profit Exhibitors
>> From:
>> SCALE Team <scale-announce socallinuxexpo org>
>> Date:
>> Fri, 3 Oct 2008 17:00:23 -0700
>> To:
>> dneary free fr
>> To:
>> dneary free fr
>> Wide spread acceptance and encouragement from the user community has established SCALE as a premiere Open Source Software conference. Continuing our efforts to promote Open Source software, we invite you to share your work on Free and Open Source projects with the rest of the FOSS community.
>> If you'd like a expo booth for your project at the 7th Annual So Cal Linux Expo, please submit your proposal.
>> The proposals should be submitted in the form of a 1-page extended abstract comprising:
>>    1. The name of your group or open source project.
>>    2. A group or project logo, and contact information including name and email address. (logo needed for publishing on the website)
>>    3. A list or a brief description of the main points to be presented should be submitted. Please include enough detail that will enable the committee to evaluate the proposal.
>>    4. Describe how your participation will benefit both the Southern California Linux Expo and the attendees.
>> Submission formats in text or PDF will be accepted. Qualifying exhibitors will be allocated a booth in the SCALE exhibit hall which will include one 6 foot table, two chairs, one network drop and one 500 watt electrical outlet.
>> As we are attempting to increase awareness of open source software, it's highly desirable that demonstrations be conducted using free and open source software. All proposals shall be sent to gareth socallinuxexpo org 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> marketing-list mailing list
>> marketing-list gnome org
> --
> Gareth J. Greenaway <g socallinuxexpo org>
> Voice - 877-831-2569 x130
> Southern California Linux Expo

Jeff Schroeder

Don't drink and derive, alcohol and analysis don't mix.

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