Re: Linux Foundation membership brings email address

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:04 PM, Stormy Peters<stormy gnome org> wrote:
> The Linux Foundation is giving out email addresses in return for
> donations. As an incentive.
> So the question I have to ask:
> Should we give Friends of GNOME, maybe monthly subscribers, email
> addresses?

On a related note, Ubuntu has a similar membership plan with the
following process:

1. People that contribute substantially to Ubuntu can nominate
themselves to become 'Ubuntu members'.
There is a process where candidates are interviewed through IRC for
their contributions.
2. There are currently a bit under 500 Ubuntu members,
3. Members get substantial perks,
including complimentary subscription to
They also get a forwarding alias.
4. They also gain the right to print business cards with the Ubuntu logo.
5. The whole process is quite smart and helps retain experienced users
to Ubuntu.

Regarding the GNOME e-mail alias, I think it would be better to have
something '' instead of ''. The
latter disassociates a lot from


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