More preferences cleaning

Hi all,

Observant git followers will have noticed that Meld's preferences
dialog has recently received a little bit of love, simplifying a bit
of option UI, adding mnemonics and fixing some spacing. There's still
plenty to do, but there are two options that extraneous options that I
have patches for.

The "Edit files with: Internal editor" preference:

The plan is to remove the "Internal editor" part of this preference,
leaving the system default or manually defined options. The rationale
is simply that Meld isn't designed as a standalone editor, and we'd
expect people to have another tool available that is more suited to
the purpose of general text editing.

This preference is rarely used in Meld. If you've never right-clicked
and selected "Open" from the context menu on a textview in the file
comparison, or a file in a treeview in directory or VC comparisons,
then you've never used this preference. If you do use this preference,
and rely upon it for some reason, use cases are welcome. However, I'm
probably not interested in "I don't want to install
gedit/kate/whatever." without a good explanation.

The "Automatically supply missing newline at end of file" preference:

I'm cautious about removing this, but I believe it's there to work
around problems wih GtkTextView's EOF handling. However, over the last
few cycles, Piotr Piastucki has worked through various EOF problems,
and I'm optimistic that this preference can now be removed.
Alternatively, we could wait for a release, and push this change early
in the next cycle to give it some more testing.

Thoughts or comments?


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