[Nemiver-list] recent svn activites


A lot of bits hit our svn repository recently. Here goes a list of
these changes.

* improve the public header files installation process so that people can re-use
  the components of nemiver to code more easily.

* cleanup the link time dependencies so that nemiver libraries link
against the necessary dependencies only.

* add a couple of *.pc files to detect the presence of nemiver loadable modules.

* disable symbol visibility control by default on x86_64 archs. This
will stay so until the gcc bug concerning symbol visibility control on
x86_64 is fixed on most of the boxes.

* added a thread selection widget to the call stack status notebook
tab. This lets the user switch from a thread to another.

* limit the number of saved debugging session to 5.

* added a "run to cursor" action.

* added a "save session to disk" action. Now, one can trigger sessing
saving at any time.
It is not only done at nemiver shutdown time.

* added more settings to the preferences dialog.

* made several HIG compliance improvements.

* fix a couple of bugs here and there.

This list of changes makes nemiver more suitable for a first public
release. I don't really know when this will happen though. So please,
get nemiver, compile it, test it and let us know what you think about
the quality of what we have today. If we get no feedback, then we will
assume the quality is acceptable :-) .



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