Re: [Nemiver-list] Build error on FC5

Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 13:30 +0000, Paul Fotheringham wrote:

I thought I'd just report a minor build issue on FC5. Right at the end of the build it failed with In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: error: ‘g_option_context_set_summary’ was not declared in this scope

I appear to have passed the configure test but my


header ( from glib-1.2.10-18.2.2 ) does not appear to have this particular function. I've commented it out and the build finished okay. Just off to try the software now!


Paul Fotheringham

OK, I've just committed a fix for this.  It's now in svn and should be
in the next release.

That was quick! Thanks.


Paul Fotheringham
Software Developer

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