Re: Network Manager Times Out During DHCP Handshake

On 8/15/06, Adam Pavelec <adam pavelec net> wrote:
<Disclaimer>Many apologies in advance if this has already been addressed
-- it appears that the archive search indexes aren't yet

My environment is as follows:

Wireless Card: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)
nndiswrapper: driver bcmwl5 (Broadcom,06/13/2003, loaded

Network Manager seems to work as designed until it attempts to obtain an
IP address.  Here are some log snippets:

(all OK's reported up to this point...)
NetworkManager: <information>   Activation (wlan0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) complete.
NetworkManager: <information>   Activation (wlan0/wireless): association
took too long (>60s), failing activation.
NetworkManager: <information>   Activation (wlan0) failure scheduled...

Issuing an "iwconfig wlan0 essid %AP-Name%" and "dhclient" works perfectly.

Is there anything I can do to prevent the association failure from
occurring, or am I
simply SOL because I'm in the Broadcom/ndiswrapper boat?

NetworkManager-list mailing list
NetworkManager-list gnome org

I see the same behavior on a  Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) with ndiswrapper on ubuntu dapper (see )...  It seems like the association happens correctly, but wpasupplicant get notified properly.  I'm not sure how to debug this at all; maybe a network manager dev has some ideas on debugging it?


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