Re: [3/3] Do something with trusted networks

Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> writes:

> So here's a thought (started out as two different options, but this one
> is clearly better):
> Do finer-grained coalescing of access points.  Still do limited
> BSSID->ESSID fill-in, but after that, start matching AP capabilities
> too.  There's no way to distinguish between 40/64/104/128-bit WEP, but
> we can stuff the APs into categories like unencrypted, WEP, WPA1, WPA2.
> If the user has pre-configured settings for them, we can use those to
> further differentiate them.
> We must be careful to not do too-aggressive differentiation, but it's
> pretty clear that an AP that's unencrypted shouldn't be coalesced with
> an AP that's encrypted, even if they share the same SSID.  The point is
> that we accommodate users who's networks suck, but don't make pointless
> distinctions for people who never are, or never will be, in that
> situation.
> Given Jens' situation, with a few others thrown in:
> a. SSID: foo, BSSID: xx:0a, hidden, WEP
> b. SSID: bar, BSSID: xx:0a, broadcast, unencrypted
> c. SSID: linksys, BSSID: xx:bf, broadcast, WPA1
> d. SSID: linksys, BSSID: xx:ac, broadcast, WPA1
> e. SSID: linksys, BSSID: xx:9f, broadcast, Ad-Hoc, WEP
> f. SSID: stupid, BSSID: xx:12, broadcast, WPA1
> g. SSID: stupid, BSSID: xx:66, broadcast, WEP

I would ask that you also add "802.11 mode" to this mix..  In
particular separating 802.11(a) from 802.11(b/g) would be a GOOD


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord MIT EDU                        PGP key available

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