Re: Request for ergonomy feature

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 08:38 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 20:46 -0300, Joel Goguen wrote:
> > I think the problem may actually be in the system configuration, and
> > both gnome-power-manager and NM are doing exactly what they're told to
> > do.  After some poking around in the gnome-power-manager source, I found
> > that it does send the sleep/wake commands to NM if the key
> > '/apps/gnome-power-manager/general/network_sleep' is set to true.  If
> > this is false, the sleep/wake signals won't be sent.  When I opened up
> > the GConf config tool, this value was false for me.  I'm not able to
> > test it yet, but in about 2 hours I'll be able to check and post back if
> > this works.  In the meantime, if someone else is able to verify that the
> > value is false and NM properly rescans after waking up with the value
> > set to true that would be great :)
> This is a distro problem.  I think g-p-m turned that key off by default
> (I have _no_ idea why) a while ago, and distro maintainers need to be on
> top of these sorts of things to make sure stuff works for their users.

The reason is probably that pm-utils already sends the sleep/wake
signals to NetworkManager and that's what many distros use now.


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