Re: nmcli radio off connected to ModemManager power state low

On Sun, 2016-03-13 at 12:26 +0100, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Carlo Lobrano <c lobrano gmail com>

thank you, it is more clear now. I will check in my system for
One more question, do you think it will be feasible for NM to check
rfkill is available and, if not, to set the modem in power off in
place of
just disabling it?
The problem is that if the modem is totally powered off with a
then how do we power it back on? CFUN=4, where the modem is still
alive but with radio off is already more than enough in most cases.
Why do you need the modem to be totally off?

I tested that with a bunch of USB modems, and only a small number (2
out of 20 I tried) actually powered completely off with CFUN=0.  The
rest apparently just disable the radio but remain responsive.


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