Re: Orca Status of Firefox (Re: "HTML-Container" is driving me crazy!)

Hermann reported:

I checked the Seamonkey downloads and, indeed, found that there are only 
programs for gtk1. I couldn't find downloads for gtk2.

Okay, confusingly enough, GTK2 is the default so GTK2 builds are not
labelled as such. Linux builds without "GTK1" in the link text are
actually GTK2 builds. So for example the Linux builds entitled "tar.gz
format" rather than "GTK1 tar.gz format" are in fact GTK2 builds.
Likewise the Linux "Full Installer" and Linux "Net Installer" are GTK2

This is true for the current release page:

and the beta version page:

At some point GTK1 is apparently likely to cease to be supported

I've pointed the #seamonkey channel to this thread as evidence of the
confusion caused by not labelling the GTK2 builds.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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