Java access bridge with Orca


I am having problems running Java jfc/swing applications under Gnome.
The output Orca is providing consists of randomly looking characters.
The following software components are used:

Debian testing, Gnome 2.14, orca 2.3, jdk 1.5.0 Java access bridge for gnome 1.5.0.

The access bridge has been installed as follows:
1. Compiling of sources.
2. make install
the resulting files (gnome-access-bridge.jar, JNav.jar are installed in to the directory
/usr/local/share/jar/. I've created symlinks from the
gnome-access-bridge.jar and JNav.jar  to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and
from to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib

With symlinks created, JRE seems to be able to load the access bridge.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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