[orca-list] I want to contribute in orca development, some tips needed

I have been  comfortabilly using orca for a last few days.  but I wish
to have orca give the complete ease of use  to any user with no
knowledge of gnu/linux.  the problem right now is that orca still
needs finer adjustments to its audio interface in terms of the prompts
and feedbacks it gives to the user.  like for example I discovered
that when I copy or paist files or text, it does nto tell me that the
file has been copied and when I am paisting a huge file into a folder,
I don't gety any idea as to how much percentage has the progress bar
really progressed.
as a side note I still can't figure out how to run the package manager
to install new softwares
the moment I give the administration password nothing else is spoken
and I have to take help of a sited person to choose packages to be
installed.  So my offer is to enhance the orca experience better by
contributing in the development.
I think orca must be having a scripting model like jaws for windows
has.  if that is the case then please tell me how I can get started.
I want to make finer changes to the audio feedback of orca when things
like cut or copy paist are going on.
further firefox also needs some attention although there are enough
people who are actively working on better accessibility of ff and
the other aspect I will like to work on is the open office side.
so can some one guide me for general orca scripting and for open
office accessibility and where can I get started to understand the
accessibility methodology for open office?
also for scripting orca what else will I need to know apart from
python (which I already know pritty well)?

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