Re: [orca-list] "Black circle" What's that?

Hi Hermann.

OK, if it is not too much work; but no need to hurry.

Not too much work at all.  In fact, this sort of thing is easy, and easy
is good. <smile>  I've attached a new patch that should be applied to
the very latest Orca from svn (i.e. the one you're using, but not
necessarily the one that others reading this are using).   Save it to
your Desktop.  Assuming that Orca is in your home directory:

1. cd ~/orca
2. patch -p0 < ~/Desktop/newfix
3. sudo make install

Then quit and relaunch Orca.

What this patch should do is only echo the stars if key echo by
character is enabled AND alphanumeric and punctuation keys are also
enabled.  If you wouldn't mind giving this a test and letting me know
what you think, that would be awesome!

Take care.

Attachment: newfix
Description: Text Data

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