[orca-list] when good fixes go bad (AKA the list hang in Firefox)

Hey guys.

In order to fix the problem of us no longer being able to arrow to push buttons in Firefox, I checked in what seemed like a good and innocent fix. All it does is turn checks on obj.text into checks on obj.text and obj.text.characterCount. In other words, don't assume that just because an object claims to have text means that it actually has text. Somehow this is responsible for the reported (un)ordered list hangs. Sorry!!!

Today I have to head into Boston for a meeting. I'll bring the laptop on the commute. And if I don't work it out during the commute, I'll work it out tonight. In the meantime, my recommendation is to not check out the very latest from svn. If you want the very latest, then reverse the patch attached to bug 470332.

Again, my most sincere apologies and stay tuned for the fix!

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