Re: [orca-list] Other keys for orca keyboard commands

The "Key Bindings" tab of the Orca Preferences GUI lets you both analyze
and modify keybindings.  At the end of is text describing how to
change the bindings:

'To modify either the "Key Binding" or the "Alternate" bindings, arrow
to the cell and press Return. Then, press a key combination and press
Return to confirm the new combination. When you do so, the new keystroke
will be saved and the check box in the last column (the "Modified"
column) will indicate that the key binding has been modified. 

To unmodify a modified keybinding, merely arrow to the modified column,
uncheck the checkbox, and press the "Apply" button (Alt+a).'

Having said that, you might also look at the "Laptop" bindings:

You can turn the "Laptop" bindings on via the "General" tab of the Orca
GUI preferences.  Once you've done that you can customize individual
bindings using the method described above.

Hope this helps,


On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 19:49 +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:
"WW" == Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> writes:

    WW> I think it is impossible via the preferences GUI, but it it
    WW> possible by editing your or
    WW> file. The following, for example, should
    WW> turn your 'w', 'i', and 'l' keys into the Orca modifier (nobody
    WW> needs those letters anyway):

    WW> orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys = ["w", "i", "l"]
I mean not modifier key only but other on numpad. So redefine all

    WW> Will

    WW> On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 19:27 +0200, Hermann wrote:
    >> As I've understood Jan, he explicitly does not ask for a laptop
    >> keyboard, but for something like a wireless keyboard - whatever
    >> that is. His question is whether the Orca key could be freely
    >> definable, and I think that this is impossible at the moment.
    >> Hermann _______________________________________________ Orca-list
    >> mailing list Orca-list gnome org

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