Re: [orca-list] defined text boxes

Hello Scott,
I guess you are refering to my mail, where I asked about your
experimental feature.
I was talking about a defined block of text to search for, and I refer
to features known in Windows screen readers, such as Jaws and Window
In Jaws you can search for a block of text that contains a defined
number of characters, in Jaws the default value is >=25.
This makes it easier to search the webpage for longer text areas, such
as newspaper articles or product descriptions. Such blocks are not
always introduced by headings or frames.
We discussed this a few weeks ago, and the users opinions were devided:
Some think that this could be useful, others opposed it, by stating that
they never used it even in Windows screen readers. I belong to the first
group and I'm using it extensively when working in Windows.

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