Re: [orca-list] Want your opinion on the removal of "Close"buttonson some dialog windows


While removing the "Close" button would be no problem for more savvy users, I think that it should be kept for beginners. My experience with beginning computer users is that they want something that spells out very clearly the action to be taken. For sighted users, the close icon on the title bar may be just fine, although I have found that beginners are reluctant to use objects in the title bar because they are not sure if the action taken there is related to the information in the window/dialog because it is not part of that interaction. Even if the icon in the title bar works well for the sighted beginner, it is not in the tab order and so won't be available to the vision impaired. Thus, I believe that the Close button should stay in the dialog.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rich Caloggero" <rjc MIT EDU>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Want your opinion on the removal of "Close"buttonson some dialog windows

I think removing clutter (and that also means clutter in the tab order) is a good thing. The close button doesn't need to be in the tab order as long as
there is a well-known shortcut (alt+f4).

I am confused about the alt+f4 or close button's semantics, however. Does it
close without save (akin to cancel or escape)?  I like the windows
convention of having OK and cancel buttons (enter and escape keys) in all
dialogs for accept changes and cancel changes, respectively.
I think alt+f4 should never save changes! It should be synonomous with
-- Rich

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jon" <j orcauser googlemail com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Want your opinion on the removal of "Close"
buttonson some dialog windows


I dont mind either way, i am totally blind and dont tend to tab around
to find the close button, unless i wanted to make sure that the settings
weren't saved. alt+f4 is well known so I dont think there will be a
problem there.

The question becomes, do we have save button for when we wish to confirm
our preferences? and in that case wouldn't it look odd graphically to
have a save but not a close button? I guess if the close button is in
the top right then it is obvious.

Gnome-volume-control doesn't have a save or close button, yet when
alt+f4 is pressed the values of volume bars are saved.

I guess for people using magnifiers it is advantagious to minimize
clutter on the screen, and once they know that top right will close,
then that is straight forward. (my sight use to be better)

regarding the comment made about alerts, i still don't see why alt+f4
cant be used.

In what instance would alt+f4 be confusing? I have always considered it
to be synonymous with close-without-save

Intresting to hear other peoples views about this.


On Tue 06/11/2007 at 11:19:25, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

Members of the GNOME team are considering removing the "Close" buttons
on many dialogs in GNOME.  For example, almost all of the GNOME
Preferences windows -- Appearance Preferences, Keyboard Preferences, AT
Preferences, etc. -- have this "Close" button.

The discussion on this subject is here:

"I wanted to investigate if we could get rid of all our Close-buttons in
some windows, since every window have a big close button in the top
right corner anyway. (therefore less clutter) A big stopper for this was
apparently the highcontrast themes, where the close button in the corner
hit target is pretty small apparently."

If the "Close" button were removed, you'd have to remember to press
Alt+F4 (or Alt+Space and then navigate to the menu item) to close a
window.  Escape may also work.  I personally think this might be too
much to remember (I like "Close" buttons), and can also leave you
wondering if any changes you made in the window were saved or lost as a
result of pressing Alt+F4.

Anyhow, your thoughts on this would be appreciated.  If you're strongly
for or against the idea, please provide a constructive comment for why.


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