[orca-list] Introducing myself and asking for help

my name is Maurizio. I'm 28 and I'm a journalist and an interpreter.
I'm writing from Italy. I'm a totally newby with regard to linux,
ubuntu and orca but I'm keen to try it.
I download Ubuntu 7.10, burnt it on a cd and launched it after changing my boot
order. Then I pressed f5 for the accessibility menu, 3 for screenreader (and
I got it checked by a sighted person that the selection was right) and
finaly twice enter. I waited a lot of time, heard the gingle but then Orca
simply didn't speak.
I'm sure many of you encountered the same problem and so I know there must
be a way to cope with it. Maybe it's even a problem of distribution, don't really know.
Can anybody help?
By the way: I don't have any Braille display, do you think it's worth trying ubuntu with speak only?
Thanks in advance!


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