Re: [orca-list] I think my installed Ubuntu and Orca is just plainunstable...

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Bob Tinney wrote:

Hi Mike,
I'm kind of in the same boat that you are.  I have a dual boot system with
xp and Ubuntu and I find that Orca has a long! way to go.  One of the neat

Why? Yes firefox still needs some improvements but maybe that's because I'm on a slow machine.) Anyway I know lots of people are working on firefox and it keeps getting better...

So what problems are you having?

Perhaps you should use a command line as well with speakup so you can do things that aren't possible with orca.

I use both and haven't used windows for 4 months.

things about Ubuntu is that when I installed it, it found everything in my
system with out a hitch, but doing things in Ubuntu with Orca is another

Yes that is a nice feature of ubuntu. Like with the livecd it just works. Also it is very easy to get a talking system up and running. Then you can configure brltty with speech. Once brltty is going and orca is working correctly you could probably install speakup...

 > matter.
When I play mp3 files with the total movie player, orca stops speaking while
the music is playing, but the voice will come back after you close the
player.  This used to crash orca, but after the latest updates, I'm no
longer getting sound error messages, but I still can't play two sounds at
the same time.  I'm hoping that Gnome 2.2 when it comes out, will fix some

HRm, sounds like an alsa problem.
Is orca and your player using alsa?
I believe there is instructions on the orca faq on how to make orca work with alsa.
What synth are you using?
And maybe try a player that supports alsa. (That you are sure does.)
Perhaps just run mplayer from a command line to test.
Then get rythem box going...

of these problems including updating orca.

What do you mean?
You should just check out from svn and install any patches then build orca.
What is wrong with this?

Daniel Dalton
d dalton iinet net au

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