Re: [orca-list] Accessible Help

Hi, Will:

Are we still expecting Yelp to upgrade to Gecko 1.9 following the
Firefox 3 release so that Yelp will just be natively accessible?

I'd like to add that Minefield's help has been very usable to me, even
if I'm not always finding the detail I'd like. It will be a red-letter
day when we can just press F1 and access help accessibly.


Willie Walker writes:
Hey All:

Just an FYI..

At CSUN, we were asked about the lack of good accessible help for GNOME, 
and I couldn't remember the workaround someone had posted.  I did some 
digging and found it in

I also created/updated, which can be 
found from

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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
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