Re: [orca-list] Capital, Capital, Capital

am Do 20. Mär 2008 um 13:00:03 schrieb Peter Vágner <peter v datagate sk>:
I guess this is also related to how Orca processes keys. It does not 
handle what has just been typed but instead it captures what has been 
pressed. So I guess we can't fix this in the synth backends.
I don't think so. If this is true, why do I have to change the SayAll 
keystroke in my German laptop layout?
The original key is Orca+semikolon, which is an "ö" in German. Provided 
Orca handels keys as they are pressed, the invokation of Orca+ö should 
read the whole document. But nothing happens. Instead: When I press 
Orca+semicolon (in German a comma), I hear teh whole document read, and 
the SayCurrentCharacter function has gone.
Moreover: Defining Orca+ö as SayAll does not work, because Orca cannot 
"understand" that "ö".
To make a long story short: How is the keyboard coding handled?
I use Orca 2.22.0, Gutsy on an Acer laptop. But this happens in every 
Orca version.

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