Re: [orca-list] Problem with Orca Preferences

Hi Terrence:

Yikes!  Not good.

One thing to do would be to first check to see if Swift is working with gnome-speech by running the 'test-speech' application. This is a character cell application that lets you goof with various gnome-speech settings for the available engines.

If all is working well with gnome-speech, then do an "rm -rf ~/.orca" and run the orca setup procedure in text mode: "orca -t". Cepstral Swift should show up in the list of available speech synthesis systems and you can move forward from there.

Hope this helps,


On Mar 30, 2008, at 4:41 PM, Terrence van Ettinger wrote:

Hello all,
        I'm having a problem with Orca and the preferences dialog.
I'd installed the Gnome-speech-swift package, plus Alison, and had then tried to run the preferences dialog to change voices. But although Swift showed up, the voice
options were the same as for Espeak. So I left Orca altogether and
i then attempted removing my .orca folder and rerunning Orca, but the Preferences dialog wouldn't come up, and nothing but keystrokes spoke. What can I do to fix this?

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