Re: [orca-list] I have two questions

Hi Mike.

Hi, I am having trouble with spell check in open office. It doesn't seem to work.

Spell check (and a number of other things related to dialogs in OOo)
were unfortunately broken in OOo 2.4 and are fixed in OOo 3.0. OOo 3.0
is still in beta and thus presumably not being included by distros yet.
However, you can get the current release candidate from

When I use spell check in gedit I loose all speech.

That's odd. I'm not seeing that.

Second. I am now asked for my wireless network key every time I login.

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with that, but I'm seeing it on one of my
boxes now.  I'm afraid I haven't had time to investigate it further
and/or file bugs. And, yes, I feel appropriately guilty for that.

Take care.

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