[orca-list] bug in orca, firefox or in my html file

Hi all,
I don't know if this is a problem in firefox, orca, or a problem caused by a bad html.
To reproduce try the following steps:
1. open the attached html file.

2. press tab many times so that you will cycle in all fields. Pay attention in the labels announced by orca for the fields. You should hear labels like:
date, time, history and etc.

3. press ctrl+home and scroll in the text  using the down key.
Instead of hear date, time and etc, you will hear date (line 1) time (line 1) date (line 2) time (line 2) and etc.

They are values of the title attribute of each field.

My question is:
Why they are not announced when cycling in the fields with the tab key?

Can I change something in the html so that the title attribute can be announced?

[]S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
Msn:vilmar informal com br Skype:jvilmar
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jvesouza
Phone: +55 21-2555-2650 Cel: +55 21-8868-0859

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