Re: [orca-list] setting up a hotkey to launch gnome-terminal

hey there Jerry,

To set a hotkey for hthe gngome-terminal press alt-f1 and navigate to the system menu by pressing the left arrow. Once there select prefences and go to keyboard shortcuts. Arrow down to launch a terminal and press the right arrow to focus on changing the hotkey. You Then press spacebar and enter the ssequence of keys you are wanting. AFter this tab to hte close button and you should be all set.


On 02/03/2009 08:26 PM, Jarrod Jicha wrote:
Hey there everyone.  I know this will sound strange but here goes.
I downloaded vinux a while ago, and installed it. I was having some sound card issues, and even orca was dropping out a lot. well, I then when and got the actual ubuntu live cd, and installed that. this one works much better. why this is? I just don't know. anyway, I want to know how to immulate something they had on the vinux cd. they had it to wair if you wanted to launch gnome-terminal, you could press I think it was ctrl+shift+t I want to know how they did this, cause I am finding myself using terminal quite a bit. anyone that can help with this would be graitly apprecaited, thanks in advance.

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