Re: [orca-list] Strange behavior with trunk Orca and Firefox 3.0.6

Hi All:

I think the problem is that you updated atk, gail, and atspi. I've done this many times, and it inevitably leads to an unstable Orca - odd behaviors that others can't duplicate.

The packages of a GNOME release are meant to work with each other, and mixing/matching packages from other GNOME releases really isn't supported. So, your mileage will vary. As we see in Rich's case, it can vary a lot. :-(

As of GNOME 2.24.x, it may be safe to just upgrade to Orca from trunk on your GNOME 2.24.x system (I do it regularly). However, it's not recommended. Instead, you may want to grab Orca sources from the gnome-2-24 branch, which is being developed against GNOME 2.24.x.


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